A Finish - Improv Your Own Adventure

I wish I had written this post earlier, that way I would remember what it was that inspired this quilt. The idea was that with the pattern, each interpretation would be different. You create your own rule in which to use the starburst style FPP block, but within that rule you work improvisationally.

So for example, I had I think 7 different fabrics and each square had to have black or white and one piece of green or blue. Or maybe green and blue if there was room for it. I could cover anywhere between one section and four, no more than that. This is the result!

It was published in British Patchwork and Quilting, March 2020 edition. This is the first time I've done matched binding too, instead of just doing a facing.

Technically I finished this on January 2nd, 2020 but I'm counting it as a 2019 finish. Just one more 2019 quilt to go, I just need to get photos!

Size – 70″ square
Number of blocks – 28x 10″ blocks
Time to piece – 15 hours approx
Time to quilt – 3 hours approx
Fabric – Kona solids - Quicksilver, lilac, petunia, deep rose, celestial, chartreuse, snow and black.
Backing Fabric – I can't remember what this is! I think I got it from Fabricland though.
Binding Fabric – More Kona snow and black, colour matched to the front.
Threads – Quilted with Isacord, pieced with Wonderfil Konfetti
Batting – 
Hobbs 80/20
Straight lines diagonally


A Finish - High Flying Birds


A Finish - Helsinki Square Dance 2